Monday, 2 January 2023

Shifting Horizons by Sheena Billett


This month I’m recommending Shifting Horizons: Stories of lives lived and journeys taken by Sheena Billett

I can hand on heart say that this is the best book I’ve read in the month of December. What a joy that this is a book written by one of my writing friends. Yes several of the stories in this volume have appeared in CaféLit and Sheena also has work on Secret Attic where I’m also published. So, it’s rather obvious that Sheena writes the type of story I like to read and hope to write.  

As I read I tried to define what it is about them that I like. I’ve concluded:

·         They all have a convincing voice.

·         They make you think.

·         The language is simple but not dull.

·         There are solid story arcs though they are also subtle.

·         The ending is often upbeat.

·         There is some room for the reader to decide what is actually happening.

·         They are not clichéd

So Sheena Billett’s Shifting Horizons, highly recommended.