Monday 7 October 2024

Harpy by Caroline Magennis


This month I’ve enjoyed Harpy: a manifesto for childfree women by Caroline Magennis. Caroline is a former colleague of mine.  She has chosen to remain childfree; this has not been imposed upon her.

It has been a delight to read this book.
Magennis manages to combine a very engaging and readable style with some academic rigour. She recounts instances of how she enjoys her childfree status and how that is challenged socially and in the work place.

As one would expect in a book like this, she quotes accurately from many sources and never forgets to show her own opinion about what others have said. She has interviewed many other childfree women and this gives us a rich combination of many different stances.
It certainly made me think more carefully about the childfree women I know.

A very rewarding read.
Find your copy here.      

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